Therapy for Men

Are You Looking For Deeper Meaning? 

Do you struggle to find meaning, purpose, and value in your life? Even though you’ve jumped through all the hoops, is there some vital piece missing that leaves you feeling dissatisfied and emotionally disconnected from your accomplishments? Are you ready to dig deeper and grow into who you want to become? 

Perhaps growing up, you checked all the boxes—academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, athletic success—and landed in the profession you always wanted. From the outside, you appear to have it all, having accomplished everything you set out to do. Then why do these achievements seem so hollow? Why do you feel so empty inside?   

You may have believed as long as you kept your eye on the prize and worked diligently toward a goal, happiness was guaranteed. But by organizing your life around achieving the next milestone, it’s possible you’ve never appreciated what you’ve accomplished thus far. Once a goal is reached, it is quickly forgotten for the next one that lies ahead of you. 

You May Have Been Raised To Suppress Your Emotions 

As a boy, maybe you were discouraged from expressing your emotions or showing vulnerability. Perhaps self-sufficiency was seen as a strength and asking for help was perceived as a weakness. Now as an adult, you might find yourself shouldering the brunt of overwhelming responsibilities without knowing how to ask for help. This is common for too many of us men. Unfortunately, as a result of overwhelm it’s likely you find emotional intimacy and meaningful connection challenging in your relationships.   

This lack of fulfillment could manifest in anxiety, depression, substance abuse, addiction, or workaholism. Does any of that sound familiar to you? Or maybe you struggle with a short temper and impulse control without quite understanding where your anger comes from.  

If you have never learned how to develop an internal understanding of who you are, it can lead to intense experiences of isolation and loneliness. Therapy geared toward men, and offered by men, provides a supportive forum to make sense of what has happened to you and broaden your understanding of who you are in the context of what you carry. With a therapist walking alongside and guiding your journey, you can reconnect with your forgotten dreams, find purpose in the obstacles before you, and grow into the man that you desire to be for yourself, for your family, and for your community.  

Men’s Mental Health Can Be Impacted By Cultural Conditioning

Men make up around 75 percent of both suicide and substance use disorder (SUD) cases.” [1] Men also have significantly higher rates of disruptive and impulse control disorders. “Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is an impulse-control disorder characterized by a failure to resist one’s aggressive impulses, which can lead to frequent ‘explosions’—incidents of verbal aggression in the form of temper tantrums, threats, or tirades[2].

Current research indicates that…

For men, the symptoms associated with impulse control disorders are not purely physiological. Often, these symptoms are a complex interaction of cultural expectations, social norms, and economic and familial responsibilities. When we are expected to hold it together, any emotional expression beyond anger becomes difficult to access. 

We Face Social Pressure To Be Tough 

The demands of performance, achievement, and productivity have stripped away men’s subtler skills of self-examination and inner reflection. The traditional expectations of masculinity—such as being stoic and tough—often cause us to experience failed relationships, isolation, and internalized emotional pain. Sadly, many of us don’t know how to tap into our authentic selves, let alone be guided by the wisdom of our emotional experience. 

Unfortunately, the belief that men should never show weakness has perpetuated a stigma around seeking help. Rather than considering counseling to address men’s issues, we often allow this stigma to hinder our access to mental health and personal growth. However, it’s nearly impossible to discover our unique and creative purpose without a clear understanding of who we are.  

Overcoming deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors requires professional guidance and support. Therapy for men focuses on challenging societal norms while developing self-awareness about parts of yourself you have been disconnected from.  

Therapy For Men Can Help You Embark On A Journey Of Self-Discovery 

Right now, you might feel like the man who spent his whole life climbing a ladder, only to reach the top and realize he has climbed the wrong wall. Or maybe you have been treading water in a sea of responsibilities for so long that you have forgotten who you are. If you have been suffering from a profound separation from yourself and your purpose, you may long to talk to someone who can value your experience and help you discover, embrace, and integrate who you truly are.  

In therapy for men, you can explore and express your experiences without judgment. By fostering personal growth and self-acceptance, counseling for men can help you cultivate a stronger sense of self that aligns with your values and goals while empowering you to make the change needed to live a fuller life.  

What To Expect In Sessions 

In therapy for men’s issues, we will explore past experiences that have contributed to shutting down aspects of who you are. Once we gain insight into the factors—whether family dynamics, cultural, or social—that have influenced your beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors, you will have the freedom to rediscover your essential selves.  

Along the way, you will learn coping strategies to manage life’s challenges, such as developing healthier emotional expression, setting boundaries, and challenging unhelpful beliefs. By enhancing communication and relationship skills in counseling, you can improve these interactions and build up self-esteem.  

A Humanistic Approach To Men’s Counseling  

Although the specifics of treatment will differ from clinician to clinician, you can expect to increase your understanding of who you are and what is important to you. Taking a relational and humanistic approach will help you identify and develop your innate strengths as you grow into the man that you want to become.. 

Functional behavioral analysis shows us that unmet emotional needs often take the form of undesirable behavioral expressions. As you increase awareness of your unmet needs and learn how to express them, you will become better equipped to manage and mitigate these behaviors.  

If anger management is a challenge for you, we will incorporate restoration therapy into your counseling sessions to break down the feelings and behaviors that come up when you reach a boiling point. Healing childhood wounds and learning how to access and regulate emotions in a healthier way can help reduce uncontrolled anger.   

Without realizing it, you may be conditioned to avoid sharing your pain with others. But having someone who can see you in your struggle and help shoulder your burden is powerful. The truth is, you don’t have to carry this weight all on your own. You’re not meant to. Asking for help is one of the most courageous ways to tap into your true self.   

But Maybe You’re Not Sure If Therapy For Men Is Right For You… 

  • The fear that seeking therapy will be perceived as a sign of weakness is a common experience for men. However, asking for help to overcome your obstacles is one of the most courageous and inspiring things you can do with your pain. It demonstrates great strength to admit that you are stuck, that something needs to change, and that you need help. 

  • Sitting in an office staring at another person can feel uncomfortable—we get that. As men, we are most relaxed and at ease when engaged in action. This is why we can offer taking you on a hike, walking around the neighborhood, or helping you find other creative solutions that help make therapy more accessible for you. If traditional sit-and-talk therapy concerns you, please let us know. Objection 3 - question placeholder text

  • There is no magic bullet for the hardships of life we all face. As with any undertaking that promotes emotional growth, you will get out of it what you put into it. However, by stepping out of your comfort zone and courageously confronting your hardships, you can discover hidden aspects of your character and depths of strength and creativity. Let us help by providing perspective, wisdom, and insight into your journey of growth. 

You Don’t Have To Manage Everything On Your Own 

If you are ready to experience a collaborative relationship where you will be challenged, validated, and supported, we want to work with you. To find out more about therapy for men with Praxis, visit our contact page or call 626-578-5803 to schedule a free 15-minute call.  

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