Healing from Trauma is Possible, Here's How to Begin

When you or someone you know goes through a traumatic experience, it may feel as though this moment now defines you. While traumatic moments are impactful on your life,  it’s important to note that it is possible to move forward in the aftermath.

There is no one way to heal from trauma. The healing journey is different for everyone. There is no wrong way to heal from a traumatic experience. The purpose of this blog post is to discuss the healing process.

How To Heal From Trauma

Acknowledge What Happened

It's common to believe that if you don't think about something, it can't impact you. The phrase "out of sight, out of mind," unfortunately, doesn't apply well to mental health.

This step can be incredibly different as it can be hard to believe that certain things happened. Repressing the emotions and experiencing doesn't make them go away. Instead, it just prolongs the healing process. You don't have to accept that something happened, but it helps to at least acknowledge that you went through something traumatizing.

Try To Have A Routine

Trauma will inevitably have an impact on your life. It often uproots your daily life and can impact your work, relationships, or personal life in profound ways. As best as you can, try to stick to a normal routine each day. This can help you feel as if you have stability in your life, even if your emotions, thoughts, and symptoms have felt uncontrollable.

Write About Your Experience.

Many people find comfort healing in journaling. There’s no one specific way to journal so you can customize this to fit your needs. This can include drawing, jotting out a few words or notes, or having a journal that gives prompts to get you started on your writing process.

Avoid Rushing the Process.

It would be wonderful if we had a magic wand we could waive and healing was instant. Unfortunately, mental health doesn't work like that. It takes time to heal from any type of traumatic experience. It takes an immense amount of understanding and patience from not only the person directly impacted but loved ones as well. 

There will be moments when you notice that you are feeling better. Then, there will be times when you feel as if you are back at square one. In these moments, remind yourself that that isn't a failure, but just a small setback.


Self-care goes far beyond a hot bath or curling up with your favorite book. Taking care of yourself involves ensuring that you get an adequate amount of sleep each night. You should also give your body the fuel it needs through a nutritious and well-balanced diet. Try to do things that help you relax, as well, such as yoga, listening to music, or going for a walk.

Be Open To Reaching Out For Support

The impact that trauma has is complex. It's common for many trauma survivors to want to isolate and try to deal with things on their own. While your journey may feel hard right now, you don't have to walk it alone. Reach out to your friends, family, or significant other and talk about how you are struggling.

It's also okay to talk to a counselor. Therapy is a safe and judgment-free zone where you can talk about what you went through, and the symptoms you are experiencing, and find ways to move forward that work for you.

Reach out to us to learn more about trauma therapy and how we can support you through your healing process.


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