4 Natural Ways to Deal With Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of life. When we have it in moderation, it can be a helpful motivator. It's common to feel anxious when you are put into a new setting or are experiencing something new. Or, you might experience anxiety if you are nervous about a test, interview, or a big meeting.

After the event or situation is over, the anxiousness should go away. However, for many people, these feelings of anxiousness are almost always there. Even worse, they might not always be attributed to a specific external factor.

Here are four natural ways to deal with anxiety.

Aim to get a quality night's sleep

This can be easier said than done but many studies have proven that sleep, especially a good night's sleep is key to maintaining positive mental health. The CDC recommends that adults get seven or more hours of sleep every night.

You can focus on prioritizing a good night of sleep by turning off technology when it’s time to sleep. It's recommended that you limit your screen time by not looking at your phone, tablet, or TV within two hours of your bedtime. 


Aromatherapy has gained popularity in recent years. It’s the practice of using essential oils and natural plant extracts to increase emotional health, and in some cases, it can also improve physical health. 

Essential oils such as lavender or peppermint can help stimulate your senses. Additionally, it can boost your mood and help you relax enough to be able to sleep at night.

If you choose to use oils, ensure that you are using high-grade and high-quality oils and be sure to not consume them if they are not food-grade.

Limit caffeine

If you struggle with anxiety, caffeine can cause heightened anxiety levels due to hyperactive senses, jitters, or overall feelings of nervousness. For most people, a moderate amount of caffeine is safe. If you are interested in cutting it out completely, ensure that you slowly cut back on it to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

With that being said, moderate caffeine intake is safe for most people. Instead of cutting caffeine out of your diet cold turkey, the safest way to do so is to start by cutting back. If you struggle with insomnia because of anxiety at night, avoiding caffeine after 2pm can help control these symptoms.

Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is great for your physical and mental health. Exercising helps to release feel-good endorphins in the body, such as serotonin, which promote overall feelings of happiness and relaxation.

You don't need to exercise for hours on end but aim for at least 30 minutes total each day of moving your body. Short walks, pilates, or yoga are great low-impact ways to fit exercise into your day.

Breathing/Grounding Techniques

When anxiety ramps up, your body manifests it by causing physical symptoms. Your breathing patterns can become shallow and rapid, causing you to feel as if you can't catch your breath. You can counteract this by forcing your body to breathe in certain patterns. One of the best methods for this is through boxed breathing. Boxed breathing helps to regulate your breath and calm your 'nervous' nervous system down. To practice boxed breathing, try:

  1. Inhaling slowly for four seconds

  2. Holding your breath for four seconds

  3. Exhaling for four seconds

  4. Repeating 1-3

When you deal with anxiety, you are constantly worrying about the future. It makes it hard to be present at the moment when your mind is going in a million different directions and worrying about everything under the sun. Practicing rounding techniques helps you distract your mind from your worries, which in turn helps you to control your anxiety. A popular grounding technique is to:

  • Identify 5 things you can see

  • Identify 4 things you can hear

  • Identify 3 things you can smell

  • Identify 2 things you touch

  • Identify 1 thing you can taste

By the time you are done with this exercise, you should notice that your anxiety is reduced.


If you are struggling to deal with anxiety, don't hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about anxiety therapy. We can help you regain control over your thoughts and worries


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