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Common Reasons Why Men Feel Anxious About Their Relationships

Anxiety in relationships, especially early on, is entirely normal. As things progress and you’re excited about your new relationship, it’s okay to start to feel anxious. What’s important to do is to look at why you feel anxious and what you can do to overcome it.

For some, the anxiety could be your own fears around your new relationship, or it could be that you’re starting to feel as if your partner isn’t right for you. While it’s normal for both men and women to experience relationship anxiety throughout this article, we are going to discuss some of the most common reasons why men feel anxious about their relationships, and what you can do to overcome these feelings.

Signs of Relationship Anxiety

First, we’ll discuss some ways to know if you are experiencing relationship anxiety.

It’s important to note that this type of anxiety is typically not a sign of neglect or feeling indifferent. Many men who find themselves anxious in relationships simply try to be a better partner. 

  • Overanalyzing things. For example, this could turn everything your partner says into something to worry about or be concerned about.

  • Finding yourself overly stressed out when you’re with your partner instead of enjoying your time together and having fun.

  • Being more passive and putting yourself second to seem compatible instead of speaking your mind in healthy ways to positively contribute to your relationship.

  • Having trouble committing by going from one short-term, relationship to another, instead of focusing on building a relationship with a current partner or being afraid to commit to one person

Causes of Relationship Anxiety

There are many reasons why a man can experience relationship anxiety. The biggest one could be that they’re already dealing with anxiety. This could be diagnosed or undiagnosed, and it could have nothing to do with relationships without proper awareness. It won't likely go away on its own, especially if the anxiety isn't being caused by the relationship itself.

We often associate women as being impacted the most by previous relationships. However, men can be equally affected by relationships that don't end well. An example of this could be if a man was cheated on and know they fear that it could happen again with their new partner. Alternatively, being ghosted by anyone can also cause someone to question the motives of the other person

There could be a lot of negativity in the relationship. If a couple is arguing constantly, it can make the relationship feel toxic and negative, which heightens anxiety for both partners.

Sometimes, men can feel immense pressure in a relationship because they are often seen as the breadwinners. They will often feel pressure to provide adequately for their partner and may not feel like they are enough for them.

How To Manage Relationship Anxiety

Show Kindness Towards Yourself

Remind yourself that you are doing the best you can. The standards that society tries to set for men are just as burdensome as they are for women. Anxiety in relationships can happen due to fear of rejection or abandonment. Try to focus on the current situation with your partner, not what happened in the past with other people. If you have a positive mindset, it will help you have a healthy and successful relationship.

Be Honest

From an early age, men are taught to be tough and not express their thoughts and emotions. However, you are still a person with very real emotions that can impact your mental health. If you are struggling in your relationship, or anything really, talk to your partner about what you are going through.

If nothing else, therapy for men is a great option. There is nothing wrong with going to therapy or seeking support, whether you are a man or woman. We can help you pinpoint the reasons that are causing you the most relationship anxiety and help you find a way.